Relationship Diluviate Student’s Performance

By  Adrian  Audax 

When I was at high school and secondary school, I observed my friends both boys and girls dropping in performance soon after exposing themselves in romantic relationship, my hypothesis was directly that it could be childhood and foolish age but the likewise situation am experiencing them also in university to undergraduate students.

On this condition parents are being much curious, soon after realizing their sons and daughter and likely to be involved they directly advising them to stop  having early relationship instead they should focus on their studies.

One of the influential writers in American literature Mr. James Badmils warns early relationship in his article of ” A talk to teacher”  exposing that relationship made students become depressed and lose a lot of  self-esteem which lowers  their performance in class.

When they engage in relationship there is time where one side love ends hence break up and another side still harbors strong felling which makes him or her likely to have love sickness that takes time to recover. Most people when they are cheated in relationship in earl age lack the spirit to accept the pain and sufferings unless they are emotionally attacked with mental stress this make students pays less attention to their academic works, this happens since students who are in romantic relationship are unable to manage their time well, as love is growing up more time is much allocated into various relationship  activities leaving only little  time for school works.

This reason is much connected also with course or class attendance where the simple study conducted shows that student are likely to be absent for at least three to five days per month because of relationships reasons.

Also romantic relationship makes students to experience emotion problems like anxiety and depression by feeling worried if they look good enough on if their partners love them and even on how to impress them.

 When they are in the same class with their partners feels more distructed and they cannot well concentrate on class but only think about their lovers than paying attention to teachers. Some go extra miles and turn out to test partners during their class time and their level of anxiety increase when they have conflicts with their partners.

A study made by Kopfler by pointing student who are involved in romantic relationship  if would not perform well in undergraduate course shows that students involved in relationship are forced to manage their time facing high stress level than who are not in romantic relationship.


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