Making business pays than making job

By Adrian  Audax 

When comes to life people have different perception on which way can enable them gaining the income and survive, in fighting for life they believe making business and other looking and making jobs.

The thing to remember in this debate is that at job you’re under boss, and everything is under control of bosses and when the business you’re the organizer comes and control of everything meaning that you are free. So people are they are limited much with their bosses and most of time the salary obtained is always depending on the economic status of boss and the nature of work.

One of my fried is a teacher at a certain primary school, he always work from morning to evening and is salary per month is Tsh3 hundred thousand per month which is approximately to ten thousand per day, on the other side another friend of mine is doing the simple business and every day he come up with the interest of not less than thirty thousand per day which is three times that of one who is in job.

Making business is part of job creation to the extent that if you have a big family you can expand the business and employ them but if your employed your job is nothing to your family but only salary can save them, 

Also when comes the issue of inheritance to children can’t inherited the job of their father, having family and depend only on job to handle it is the big risk since anything can happen if you lose your job immediately family can starve, but if you have the business your family can inherit it and continues life without depending on you.

One man in our village was employed in the big industry, he was well paid and he had good house car and their children were studying in private schools,  one day he got the car  accident and unfortunately  died, few weeks after his death  the family life changed and children were transferred back to government school since the death leaved the strong economic crisis in the family because all were depending on fathers salary, what comes to my mind is that if the man invested himself in business his family couldn’t get harass after his death.

Apart from this  some people are fired from job because of different mediate  problems , this leave them with no any foundation to run life as well as the family, but if they could have invested in business it could be their good time to go back to the business and continue getting everyday income. 

Having a business gives enough time to get malt-experience in different fields like financial, economic, human resource and production, this is a wide chance for person to make money unlike jobs where you stick on only what boss have directed you and if something wrong happen to the field forces you to search again the same field so as to be again in work.

Most rich people in this country their roots of economy is business, and many percent of rich people are businessman follower with sports people and artist, this  shows that business people have big probability to win life permanently than those who are in job.

Having standing assets gives a person big probability to be trusted with financial companies and get loan for running different activities, among of standing assets is business but in case of job there are many qualifications to be trusted.


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