Amazing Class Tour

Tanzania has five biggest tourist attraction among is Ngorongoro Conservation area which is located at Karatu Arusha Tanzania

The popular attraction is Ngorongoro cretor which consists of not less than 2500 animals including the five big animals in Tanzania also  The Olduvai Gorge Museum which has the history of the skeleton of the first human being in the world

BAMC 3 Print developed a desire to vist Ngorongoro as the study tour so as to learn how to conserve the environment and impart knowledge environment as per Environmental Journalism is concern

The journey started on St. Augustine University of Tanzania Mwanza around 5:00pm and  on next day at 10:00am students were already at Ngorongoro Conservation area Main get were all entrence cost for Ngorongoro cretor and Olduvai Gorge Museum are being conducted,

Around 12:00pm our busy were leady to take us to  Olduvai Gorge Museum, The Ngorongoro Conservation area Management gives us one tour guider who was exposing more experience to us on all things around Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

Something different in Ngorongoro is Human being Maasai are living with wild animals, and domestic animals are living with wild animals something which was abnormal to most of student who was in the tour,

Absalum Tweve  A student From SAUT asked the tour guider how comes human being are allowed to  stay in the conserved area are he replied that, The government transferred Masai People who are Pastoralists to Ngorongoro Conservation area so as to have a good area for their animals pasture

He added that the Masai people are so skilled on how to deal animals, they don't consume the meet of wild animals something that make the government not doubt on them, 

The government have built school and social services within Ngorongoro Conservation area were Masai people study for primary school and when the student pass for Secondary Education and for University education the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Management provide the sponsorship to go and study free outside of Ngorongoro Conservation area,

In all movement of pastoralists, only young people aged from five to 12 years were seen with cows, goats and ships, and Tour guider  said  that in Masai society the children are taught to become confidence so the work of pastoralism are left to children's, Despite of presence of dangerous animals like Lions, tiger and elephants but they are able to protect themselves and their animals,

But sometimes it happens that the domestic animals are attacked by wild animals, the Tour guider commented that the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Management makes investigation and if found that its true that the domestic animal was consumed or killed by wild animals they do make Compensation to them, so that they won't start the war with wild animals like lion since Lions.

Currently the Masai people in Ngorongoro national park are increasing in number something that hinder the life of wild animals and the government is in the plan of shifting them to other areas to safeguard the animals,

Apart from Maasai being pastoralists also they have their traditional dancing which are attractions to different people who visits at Ngorongoro Conservation area, 

For Tanzanians pays the amount of 40 thousand Tanzania  shillings and the Outside ones Pays the total amount of 40 US Dollars so as to participant and see Maasai dancing.

BAMC 3 Print students also didn't allow it to stay as story, they went to the Masai Stockade where the played with Maasai people but also they bought some goods which are being created by Masai and other gets them as gift from Maasai people, Zulpha Nchimbi and Aman Buseye were among students who gets some gifts from Maasai people after the traditional dance.

Men Maasai are different with other men, and this doesn't mean on biological make up but on the way they handle their families, the have the extended families were one Man marries more than 7 to 8 wives and leaves on the same Stockade,

The tour guider said the wives always are loyal to them and they are not interrupting each other as it is in other societies something that attracts more male students and few females,

It takes about 40 Km from Ngorongoro Conservation Area main gate to The Olduvai Gorge Museum,  around 3:30pm students with tour guider arrived at Olduvai Gorge Museum wewe they were invited at Museums hall which is located at the area where the Olduvai Gorge valley is Found,

Like in the history, the Olduvai Gorge valley was formed due to the volcanic eruptions, the Ecologist who is Found in Olduvai Gorge Museum explain that in many years ago human being lives  on those areas due to the presence of water and good pasture, but it happens the water body ( River) disappeared due to volcanic eruptions,

The valley is divided into five layers where the first  layer has the 1.8 million Years , it is in black colour and are the remaining of  Zinjanthropus  who was consuming Vegetables and Homo habilis who used to consume mean since has ability to hunt in the iron age era , 

The second layer is called crastal ( dark colour), it has the age of about 1.2 Million years,  and it composes the remaining of Omoelectus, who was actually likely to be like the current human being in the variations of knowledge capacity, this generation managed to move in many areas in Africa and also went to Europe, they invented fire so they managed to consume cooked meat also consumed vegetables that adds more nutrition to them,

The third layer is of red soil and has the age of 8.0 million years, and the forth and fifth is on the top and the fourth   has 7.0 Million years and the last one has the age of 200 thousand years and it contain the layer if vegetation

Masai also existed in Olduvai Gorge valley in around 2 hundred years ago, and are the one who named many areas like Ngorongoro, which comes from the word sounds of bell rings, apart from that also are the one who names Serengeti and other areas,

Among  of student raised the questions conserning with the European perception and African perception on the true origin of the first human being in the word and she replied that Biggest countries still they take isolation, more scientist experiment have done conserning about the first human being but have not  taken in consideration, 

She uses example of the Australian who inverted the skeleton in south Africa in 1925 also the one recently invented in Chadi but didn't put into consideration,  but the one inverted by England and German are the one which were but in the historical records,

Also she commented that Tanzania is not proud to invert the first human being but to have the remaining of the first five human being in our land


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